Sholing Junior School

Achieving Together

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    Wed 23 May 2018

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    This will link you to our provider for Parentmail (communication tool to parents/carers)


    This will link you to our provider for our management information systems: SIMS & MLS


    This will link you to our provider for assessment data


    This will link you to our provider for some of processes for monitoring Safeguarding


    This will link you to Snappers Photography, whom we use for our school photos.


    School Assessment tracker - for teacher assessment within school- GDPR compliance.
















  • Mr Langston visits Downing Street

    Tue 22 May 2018

    On Monday 21st May 2018, Mr Langston was invited to attend a reception held by the Prime Minister as a representative of the school and teachers of Southampton.


    Accompanied by Royston Smith MP, Mr Langston was able to meet members of the cabinet such as Damien Hinds (Secretary for Education) and briefly shake hands with the Prime Minister Teresa May. The Prime Minister then went on to make a speech praising the hard work of all teachers.


    "The experience was incredible and Downing Street was amazing,especially considering all the historical figures who have lived and passed through its door. The house it self was like the Tardis: it seemed to get bigger and bigger and felt like a stately home. I'd like to say a big thank you to Royston Smith MP who put our school forward to represent Southampton - it was certainly a very proud moment."

    Mr Langston.

  • Wales 2018

    Fri 18 May 2018 R Hutchinson
    Each night (signal permitting) we'll be aiming to update a blog with stories and photos about our experiences in Wales. Check here for the very latest news.