Sholing Junior School
Achieving Together
Welcome to Sholing Junior School's 'Home Learning' page.
Are You Currently Isolating?
If you are currently isolating at home, you will find all that you need here to continue on your learning journey. For those of you who have access to a computer, we are suggesting that you use the link to the brilliant Hamwic online school below. All year groups are represented here and many teachers across the Hamwic Trust, including our own, have produced high quality learning opportunities for you to use.
If you do not have access to a computer, please let us know - we may be able to help!
We are also providing support for families by providing hard packs for children. We can either print these out for you, or you can access these packs by clicking the links below. If you need any books to work in, pens, pencils or any other resources, please let us know.
We will of course be in touch regularly to check that we are doing all we can to support you.
BBC Bitesize Lessons
Superb Home Learning Resources (click here)
The Sholing Home Learning Archive is Below
Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils,
Included in this message is some important details about home learning. Below is a document that explains the school's remote learning offer. below that are attached PDF documents that will give you more information about the home learning provision for each year group.
We have arranged the timetables so there are fewer clashes with sibling access at home, however we do realise that some still will exist. We would strongly suggest that if this is the case, you request weekly learning packs (see below) and take turns with the device for the children or contact us for support. We are also aware that children may not be able to attend all lessons therefore, we will also be providing supplementary printed activities for you to use when you are unable to attend lessons. These can be ordered by contacting the specific year team email address and they will be ready for collection every Friday at 12pm. If you have any difficulty in accessing these resources, please contact us through the year group email addresses.
Similar to the last lockdown, it is paramount that we continue to work together in adapting the provision that best suits our families. We greatly value your ongoing feedback and we will do all we can to support you at this very challenging time. I am also available on my email for any support or queries but in the first instance, direct enquiries about learning to the year group email.
Zoom access when working online with your teacher
Do please stay muted unless asked to unmute.
Do your very best!
Do make sure you are using a shared room in your house (lounge, dining room, kitchen etc…)
Do make sure you’re dressed appropriately to meet your teachers
Do make sure you put your hand up if you would like to talk
Do make sure that an adult is there to supervise when you are using Zoom
Do not film or record Zoom lessons
With Best Wishes
Sholing Junior School
Year 3 Learning
Year 4 Learning
Year 5 Learning
Year 6 Learning
Sumdog is an online programme that encourages each child to enjoy mathematics and spelling. The online learning service is used by millions of children worldwide and use engaging game-based learning to motivate and build confidence. Why not explore these activities with your child?
Sumdog also has an APP which you can download to your device. More details are available here:
'Sir Linkalot' - Award-winning spelling app
You can download the ‘Sir Linkalot’ app from the online store onto a mobile or tablet for free. Once you have downloaded it from an online store, please tap on the log icon (for 'Log in') at the top right, clicking on ''Sir Linkalot's Code (schools only)''. Type 'Hamwic' in the username and the following password AA2KSF2C3J. You can also view it on a laptop or PC. Type in the browser itself (not a search engine) and follow the above instructions.
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