Sholing Junior School

Achieving Together

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Week Commencing 1st June

Topic - Welcome to the Summer Term

Our friends, who work with Sholing Junior School at the Hampshire Mountain Centre in South Wales, have sent you a number of challenges to complete as part of this week’s topic work. These will keep you busy during the afternoons, both inside and outside of the house.

Don’t forget, keep safe, have fun and send in all your pictures!

I Have Finished My Learning For The Week! What Do I Do Now?


Well done on completing your fabulous learning this week! We are sure you have worked really hard! Any work you are proud of or want to show us please send it in as we would LOVE to see it!


If you have finished your Maths, English and Topic tasks for the week, see below for what else you can do:


  • We have SUMDOG competitions in Reading, Spelling and Maths for the week. They are either individual or team based so keep your eyes peeled!
  • Practice your multiplication knowledge or get quicker with TT Rockstars!
  • Practice your reading fluency by reading aloud to an adult.
  • Why not go onto YouTube and do PE with Joe or do a Cosmic Kids yoga video?
  • Go onto the mindfulness tab on the Home Learning page and practice a technique or teach it to someone else in your household