Sholing Junior School

Achieving Together

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Y3 Week Commencing 22nd June

laughWelcome to Summer 2,

Mighty Year 3!laugh


Wow hasn't this time flown by?! There's only 4 weeks left of your journey in year 3! You have continued to amaze us with your brilliant efforts of home learning and we love seeing all of the work that you have produced. Keep up the brilliant efforts Year 3, we are definitely have the most enthusiastic bunch of children! 


On this page you will find the Maths, English and Topic tasks for you to complete this week. The topic task will also be available on the Year 3 Google Classroom pages so that you can share your work with us.


How do I share my work with my teacher?


You can share the completed tasks in a number of ways:


  • Get an adult to email it to the Year 3 email address.
  • Complete them in a Google Doc and share it with your class teacher.
  • Complete it in your home learning book and take a photograph of your work and attach it to the assignment on Google Classroom or Stream section. 


However you decide to share your work, the tasks set out on here need to shared with us in some way by the end of each week.


We are receiving a lot of fantastic work from you all and we love seeing what you have all been doing! Please keep sending the work in! We are sharing all of your lovely pictures with Mr. H to be featured on the website.


Daily Tasks include:

  • Maths using the White Rose Hub 
  • English: These will either be a reading comprehension task, skills based task or a Big Write two day task.
  • Reading aloud to an adult.


Weekly Task includes:

  • Topic Challenge (see below)
  • Sumdog competition and challenge for Maths, Spelling and Reading.
  • Timestable Rockstars practice.

Since we have now subscribed to White Rose Maths Home Learning, the way you access videos is now a little bit different!


The links to the teaching videos for the week will now compiled into one document. This will be the very first link above the activities for each day titled



Click on the document and it will download as a PDF. Click the link next to the lesson you need to do and it will take you straight to the learning video. angel


We are aware the date on the top of the video links appear different. We decided to start White Rose Maths from the very beginning when we restructured our home learning as we were unsure of the level of engagement prior to the restructure.


The structure of the maths is still the same: Watch the video that goes with the lesson that you are on and work along side it. You can pause the video whenever you like to complete an activity, or you can rewind it as many times as you like to go back over something!


Have fun! laugh

English Tasks 

Welcome to the

Summer Term




Topic Challenge

As you all may, or may not know, this week is

‘National Sports Week’

This Year, there are many sporting event that need to be put on hold. This includes The Olympics Games, Wimbledon, Euro 2020 and most significantly, Sholing Junior School Sports Day.

To also coincide with the beautiful weather that we here at Sholing Juniors have arranged for you all this week, we want you to run faster, jump higher, and push yourselves further than ever before.

Citius - Altius – Fortius

(Faster – Higher – Stronger)

I Have Finished My Learning For The Week! What Do I Do Now?


Well done on completing your fabulous learning this week! We are sure you have worked really hard! Any work you are proud of or want to show us please send it in as we would LOVE to see it!


If you have finished your Maths, English and Topic tasks for the week, see below for what else you can do:


  • Miss Wynn has set up Sumdog competitions in Reading, Spelling and Maths for the week. They are either individual or team based so keep your eyes peeled! Winners will be announced every Monday and an announcement may even be made through text! 
  • Practice your multiplication knowledge or get quicker with TT Rockstars!
  • Practice your reading fluency by reading aloud to an adult.
  • Why not go onto YouTube and do PE with Joe or do a Cosmic Kids yoga video?
  • If you want to recap old learning or learn something new, do some work in your CGP books.