Sholing Junior School

Achieving Together

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Yr3 Building Blocks

You can bring maths alive and help your child/ children at home by:


  • Looking for and discussing with their children Mathematical ideas in everyday things eg. cooking, decorating etc.
  •  Counting with their children eg. objects, steps, toys
  • Allowing children to handle money when shopping. Or, set up a snack shop at home! Give children the coins that they would need to buy snacks. Look at the coins together. Which coin is the most valuable? What coins would they need to buy a snack?
  • Playing number and counting games eg. Snakes and Ladders, Frustration.
  • Go on a shape hunt around the house!
  •  Practise number bonds to 5 and 10 using finders or household objects
  • Teaching children about time eg. the sequencing of the dasy, facts about time, reading the time.