Activity Day 1
Reports from Wye Valley have been very positive – not one hint of travel sickness!
All have arrived safe and well, have their secret codenames and their training is fully in place. As you’d expect from such a secret location, the internet is slightly slow so we will be updating the photos as and when we get them.
Day 2
After a good night's sleep, the children were up early - some too early - and ready for a continuation of their spy training. Today, groups have taken part in archery, an endurance walk, gadget design and code breaking activities. Some of the photos coming through are absolutely stunning. The location is perfect for the children and I have reliable reports that state they are loving life in the great outdoors! Here are some photos – more to follow later.
Activity Day 3
After a fun packed morning that consisted of intricate skills to rival Bear Grylls himself, we had a quick pit stop for lunch.
With our bellies and water bottles filled and MORE suncream applied, we made our way to the camp fire where the angelic singing voices of the children could be heard far and wide throughout the Wye Valley! Marshmallows were toasted with the upmost concentration and we can confirm that not one was lost in the fire!
All in all we've have an amazing day
Much to the relief of adults, all children slept much better than the first excitable night! They were awoken by the sounds of much tweeting and chirping.
A hearty breakfast was had by all. The children even had time for a cheeky game of football before the activities began - #result.
Suncream on and waterbottles at the ready, they're off for a day of fire lighting, shelter building and team building.
Activity Day 4
As dawn broke on our last day here at Wye Valley, small rumblings could be heard....turns out Mr Wakefield doesn't cope well with baked beans! All were awake by 7am, dressed, packed and ready for final room inspections by 7.45am! Once again, we were greeted by the wonderful YHA staff who had prepared us another full cooked breakfast!
Activity this morning was the egg drop! The children were given a few resources and given the task to protect an egg to be dropped from the highest window in the building. Once again, skills to rival Blue Peter professionals were displayed and fantastic and not so fantastic creations were made! With a 5,4,3,2,1 countdown, tensions were high as each team's entry made their decent from the window! We can report that not one egg survived! However, whilst some were scrambled, a few only suffered small cracks! The children loved this activity and congratulated each other when the scores were revealed.
We're now having some free time before attending the Spy School Award ceremony. Some have dressed in their finest attire for the occasion - others have decided to remain wearing the clothes they arrived in!
Once the ceremony is complete, we'll be having a bite to eat before embarking the coaches to come home!
We've had an 'egg'cent time.