Sholing Junior School

Achieving Together

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Design and Technology



At Sholing Junior School, we aim for DT to develop children's critical thinking, evaluation skills, imagination, creativity, innovation and resilience. We would like children to leave the school as pro-active problem-solvers who develop ideas and solutions for real-life practical challenges. Children will develop their ability to design and make products using skills that will often link to many other subjects including English, mathematics, science, art, computing and history. Children are encouraged to learn from and adapt other people's designs and work individually or as part of a team with ever-improving accuracy, reflecting critically on their practice and outcomes. 


"Technology makes possibilities. Design makes solutions."

  John Maeda (Designer and Technologist)


All About DT

DT Whole School Overview

DT Skills Progression

National Curriculum Programme of Study for Design Technology

Year 5 Mechanical Systems: Cams

Design and Technology in Action
