History is an integral part of Sholing Junior School’s curriculum, where a range of carefully sequenced lessons, allow children to gain a coherent knowledge of the past. Within the history curriculum, we recognise the importance of how first-hand learning experiences, through local educational trips and visitors, not only develop a deeper understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world, but also inspire all children to becoming lifelong learners.
Children are given the opportunity to examine, interpret and evaluate a variety of sources in order to make deductions about the past. As a consequence, children become creative, curious and critical thinkers, aware of the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. Alongside our learning behaviours, British Values are woven into the history curriculum, promoting mutual respect, tolerance, individual liberty, rule of law and democracy. Strong cross-curricular links are identified to further contextualise and deepen learning.