Thursday 5th January
Happy New Year JTAs. Today we had Sallie and Hayden from Child Friendly Southampton to consult with you and vote for your suggestions for a Child Friendly Southampton.
Welcome JTAs 2022-2023
A huge welcome to our 46 JTAs of Sholing Juniors. I'm really looking to our first meeting on Thursday 6th October.
Thursday 14th July
As this is our final meeting,we will go into the garden and pot up some plants to take home. You have been an amazing team this year and I know so many of you want to be JTAs again next year. Look out for the application forms in September. There are still a few jobs to be completed before the end of next week but we can complete those in break times.
Have a wonderful summer and enjoy.
Thursday 7th July
There will be no JTA meeting tonight as Mrs Manore is not in school
Half Term
Hi JTA's, I hope you are having a wonderful half term and enjoying the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Just want to give you the heads up that the first week back we have to organise and promote Scooter Challenge Week (13th-17th June) and Clean Air Day (Thursday 16th June).
What would you like to do?
- An assembly?
- A Scooters Breakfast(as you suggested at the Bikers Breakfast)
- A competition of some sort - Bling your Scooter?
Have a think and we can put it together on Thursday.
Thursday 19th May
Babs Bags need to to be decided
Put Babs Diary on the website
Check Travel Tracker - can we find the most active travelling class? - Trophy
Complete Park and Stride Poster
STRIDE magazine will be going out next week - any articles? Use Google classroom
Park and Stride Letter - Google Classroom
Thursday 12th May
We have been so busy this week meeting every lunchtime, eating lunch together and doing various tasks - sorting out Babs'Diary, putting up posters in the Sholing Shack Bike Shelter and Sorting out the bird feeders you chose and bought with the voucher you won. A fabulous week, well done.
Today we need to :
Choose the new people taking Babs home
Check Travel Tracker( there is a new sheet to fill in)
Park and Stride Relaunch - See Google Classroom
Thursday 5th May
Put up the winning competition posters in every class
Babs Bags
Travel Tracker
The bird feeding stations have arrived(with the voucher you won from SCC for COP26 ideas) a group work with Miss Rickards to screw them together.
Take down bunting and posters from the Sholing Shack bike shelter and put up winning posters around the bike shelter.
Put up competition Winners on the notice board outside.
Thursday 28th April
Welcome back JTAs. Here are some of the events/items we need to start arranging and completing this week:
Collect the Babs Bags ( Go through this with Mrs Manore as we need to rearrange the resources)
Sort WOW badges into Zippy wallets
Deliver April's WOW to the classrooms
Check Travel Tracker - Are all classes filling it in? Does anyone need help?
A team to go around to each class and take down any old posters.
Poster competition - decide on a winner
Who was the most active class during the Big Walk And Wheel? Who won the Scooter workshop with Bike It Ray?
Park and Stride Relaunch
Letter to parents explaining - log onto Google classroom and the task has been set
Parking Advice Slips - Check on Google Classroom
We need articles to add to STRIDE newsletter that will go out on Friday 27th May. Log onto Google Classroom to find the task set.
Summer 1 Week Beginning Monday 25th April
I hope you all had a fabulous Easter holidays. We are going to be really busy this half term as we need to relaunch the Park and Stride campaign (we've been talking about it for so long!) and we also have Walk to School Week (16th-20th May) alongside all our usual weekly events (Babs Bags, Travel Tracker etc)
So start to put your thinking caps on and jot down any ideas in your JTA books to bring along to the first meeting of the Summer term( Thursday 28th April).
Also, I will be setting up activities on Google Classroom eg STRIDE magazine etc so please make sure you have your login details.
I look forward to seeing you all this week.
Thursday 31st March
A fantastic week with The Big Walk And Wheel, well done.
Bags Bags need to go out - they need new bags. What about putting the diary entries on the website weeky?
Travel Tracker Checker - Look at the leader on Travel Tracker, which is the most active class?
Who was the most active travelling class? Who will win the scooter session with Bike It Ray?
Airly App - We are going to check the air quality weekly and put the update on the website
Can we find the trophy for class of the month?
Thursday 24th March
Great work on running The Big Walk And Wheel everyone. Well done at the awards ceremony!!!
Tasks this week;
Babs Bags need collecting and sending out
Travel Tracker needs Checking
The Big Walk and Wheel - how are we doing any snags?
The Shop needs setting up - use the trolly, print off some posters, put up a price list
Bikers Breakfast - posters to promote it
Can someone print a list of events for next week to put up on the notice boards and classrooms.
Thursday 10th March
Let's get ready for The Big Walk and Wheel. Tasks that need to be done:
Babs Bags need reallocating
Travel Tracker needs to be checked
Posters need putting up in every classroom
Posters to be put up on the parents noticeboard
A powerpoint for Whole School Assembly
Posters to go up on the JTA board
Letter to parents
The Golden Lock Rota
The Bikers Breakfast needs arranging
Daily Bike and scooter count
The Bike Doctor
Bling your scooter/bike competition
Poster competition
JTA shop
Sign up for one of the tasks and organise the resources. Next week we will arrange everything, ready for the following week. Well done everyone.
Thursday 3rd March
We need to get ready for the Big Walk and Wheel 21st March - 1st April
We will be running:
The Golden Lock
A competition
The Bike Dr will visit
A Bikers Breakfast
We will need to organise:
A letter to parents
Information on the Website
Thursday 17th February
Babs Bags - Please can you go through the Babs Bags, take out any diary entries and put them in the Babs folder. Can you take a photo of the diary entry(no names or pictures of the person please) and we can put them up on the website.
Travel Tracker Team - Go through each class and check Travel Tacker is filled in. After half term we will hand out the WOW Trophy once a month during celebration assembly, where will you find the results for the trophy?
Posters for the bike shed - Fantastic posters so far, can we have some more please to promote both cycling and scooting. We will get the bike shelter ready for the Big Walk and Wheel(March 21st-April 1st)
Videos - Complete editing
Love Your Journey to School competition - All entries hand to Mr H tomorrow and he will hand them to Rachel Oliver and Bike It Ray.
Thursday 10th February
JTA To do List for this week
Travel Tracker Team to check Travel Tracker - can we start to look at awarding the trophy once a month?
Babs Bags - collect children's work and put it into the folder, add activity to the Babs Bags
Launch of Love Your Journey To School competition - a team to put up posters in every classroom and on the noticeboard at the bottom of the stairs
Edit Road Safety videos
Film Road Safety Videos Videos
JTA Shop - we have a limited number of Hi Vis Jackets, Can we set up shop next Thursday Lunchtime?
Put the Micro Scooters together and take photos for the website
Thank you letter for Bike It Ray and Rachel Oliver
We need a label for the JTA Tool box
A poster for the Bike Shelter to explain we have a tool box and pump if needed.
Posters for Bike Shelter/Scooter Pod Area - This will take longer than a week!
Thursday 3rd February
A huge thank you to Bike It Ray and Rachel Oliver from Southampton City Council who came and joined us to help clean out the Bike Shelter. The JTAs came up with lots of fantastic ideas for ideas to encourage more people to cycle and scoot to school. We are now registered for The Big Walk And Wheel 21stMarch -1st April, so watch this space. Also a massive massive thank you to Bike It Ray who gave us 2 Microscooters and helmets, we will put those together next week.
Thursday 27th January
Unfortunately there will be no JTAs this week. However, if you want a few active travel tasks, here are some ideas:
- A powerpoint for assembly to announce our super clean and refreshed Bike Shelter ( perhaps we could add in some before and after photos)
- A letter for parentmail to inform parents/carers of our super refreshed bike Shelter.
- What could we call the launch? Sholing's Super Cycle Shelter? What are you ideas?
- You could begin to write an article for Springs STRIDE magazine explaining what we are doing with the Bike Shelter, how we invited in Bike It Ray and Rachel Oliver to help us and our ideas.
Again, BABs will be resting this week too but don't worry the BABS Bags will be out again next week!
Thursday 20th January 2022
A massive thank you to Bike It Ray and Rachel Oliver on joining us outside for our JTA meeting. We were looking at our Bike Shed and how we can improve it and make it more cyclist friendly. Here are some of the fantastic ideas you came up with:
- Clean it! Wash the plastic on top and sweep out the leaves.
-Have a pump and tools for cyclists to use in emergencies.
- Have information posters attached eg M Check and L check
-Make some L and M check videos for our website.
-Have some signage eg banners on top.
-Decorate for events eg Valentines or The Big Walk and Wheel.
- When we've improved it then have a launch event eg assembly and parentmail
-Bikers Pancake Breakfast(fantastic idea Imogen) for anyone cycling to school. Maybe something for the Bike Walk and Wheel???
- A bench between the bike shed and parent shelter for people to sit on whilst getting ready to cycle.
All really fabulous ideas and we can start on these soon.
Babs Bags didn't go out this week as we focused on the Bike Shelter.
Thursday 13th January
JTA To Do List:
Travel Tacker
Babs Bags
Park and Stride Ideas
Garden Voucher from winning the the SCC competition - how can we spend it?
Road Safety Videos
Thursday 18th November JTA Meeting
Complete the Road Safety Quiz.
Travel Tracker to be Checked, please fill the chart for each class.
Babs Bags to be sorted and new people chosen to take them home.
JTA Shop- How did it go?
Air Quality Sensor – Has anyone been checking the air quality this week?
STRIDE – The STRIDE newsletter will go out on Friday 26th November, please send me any articles you want added.
Road Safety Video – Next week we will be making videos in groups to teach people how to cross the road safely. What would you want in your video? What is the message you want to tell people? Click on the link below for ideas:
Well done JTAs, you are doing an amazing job.
Thursday 11th November
In today’s meeting we need to organise the following things:
-Photos of the JTAs
-The Babs Bags need to be reallocated
-We will have a look at the Air Quality Sensor
-Collect in the Road Safety Week Posters
-Organise the JTA shop to sell hi vis jackets in the playground next week
-Set up Travel Tracker monitors to monitor Travel Tracker weekly
-To continue to write articles for STRIDE newsletter to go out on Friday 26th November
Well done everyone, you are doing a fantastic job.
Walktober Competition
Just a quick reminder that all entries for the Walktober competition for My Journey Southampton need to be in by Friday 6th November. Any entries can be emailed to me and I can send them off to Southampton City Council.
Look forward to seeing your entries,
Mrs Manore
JTA Meeting Thursday 4th November
Competition Time!
It’s Road Safety Week On from 15th November – 19th November. We are going to focus on crossing the road safely: Stop, Look, Listen and Think.
Here is a useful video about crossing the road:
On Thursday 18th November we will have a Be Bright Be Seen Day, when everyone can wear bright clothes etc so when they are actively travelling, car drivers can see them.
We need posters to put up around the school so can you design a bright, eye catching poster to let everyone know it’s
Road Safety Week from Monday 15th November – 19th November?
Return them to me next week on Thursday 11th November and prizes will be handed out in assembly on Friday.
STRIDE Newsletter
STRIDE will be sent out by Parentmail on Friday 26th November, so keep your ideas coming in.
JTA Meeting -Thursday 21st October
Thank you for all the great work you are doing. If you want to send any JTA work to me by email then the JTA email address is:
Thank you for all the fantastic post cards I will send them off urgently to the politicians ready for COP26.
Looking forward to next half term. We have 2 things we need to plan and prepare for, STRIDE newsletter and Road Safety Week 15th-19th November.
If you would like to write an article for STRIDE on active travel then I can add it to the newsletter. Here are some ideas, it may be best to focus just on one and write one or paragraphs to explain all about it:
Road Safety Week 15th-19th November
Can you make a poster to be used in school for Road Safety Week We are going to have Be Bright Be Seen Day on Thursday 18th November. Make it bright and colourful, quick and easy to read.
You can bring anything you have completed to the JTA meeting on Thursday 4th November
Postcard for COP26
Ok JTAs, it’s COP26 from Sunday 31st October – Friday 12th November. This is the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, uniting the world to tackle climate change.
It would be a great idea that you could share your thoughts on what you want for the environment and our world in the future, so I would like you to write a postcard and I will send it to the meeting.
Draft out what you want to write in your JTA book first, then when you are happy with what you have written, write it neatly on the postcard. On the front of the postcard you can draw a picture of your hopes and dreams for our world.
You can write about:
What do you hope for the future?
What do you want for the environment?
What can people do to repair the air?
What would you do if you were a leader of the country to help improve the pollution levels and improve climate change?
Bring in your completed postcards to next weeks JTA meeting and I will post them off.
I’m really looking forward to reading your post cards.
Welcome to all 32 of our JTAs 2021-2022.
A fantastic start to the year. You have so many ideas and initiatives to promote active travel this year, I'm really looking forward to working with you all.
A Huge Thank You to the JTAs
I would like to say a massive thank you to all of the JTAs who have worked so hard this year to promote and encourage everyone in our school to actively travel. You have been amazing! You have continued to meet up every week via Zoom throughout the whole year, to run all our usual fun activities such as The Big Pedal, Scooter Challenge, Walk to School Week and a whole lot more. I absolutely love working with such a dedicated team of young people who are determined to improve our health and environment.
Have a fabulous summer and I look forward to working with you all in September. Good luck to all the fantastic Year 6's as you go off to your new schools.
See you in September
Mrs Manore
Babs has flown away
A massive thank you to the 9 JTAs who are currently taking care of a Babs. I'm sure they are going to go on some wonderful local adventures( following Government Guidelines) and I can't wait to hear all about it in our JTA Zoom Meetings.
Parents Evening 11th and 12th March 2020
Thank you to Hazel Agombar from Southampton City Council who joined me at parents evening to talk about any of the active travel initiatives the Junior Travel Ambassadors are currently involved with.
There was a fantastic display of the JTA's posters they have made to promote parking and striding from the veracity, along with a selection of books, quizzes, colouring in and stickers available for anyone to take.
We also ran a straw poll to find out what our parents/carers thoughts and feelings are on air pollution outside our school gates at pick up and drop off times. As you can see from the results, they are overwhelmingly concerned. So we will continue to work together as a community to reduce the amount of vehicles outside our school gates either by active travel or park and stride.
Well done to the Travel Tracker Monitors
We had a special visitor in assembly today(28.2.20) to award some special edition Travel Tracker badges to our 6 dedicated JTAs who monitor the WOW Travel Tracker weekly to find the most active travelling class and award them the trophy each week. Hazel Agombar was in school to carry out some sound testing for a video she is producing with the JTAs and local schools and then joined our Celebration Assembly to award the badges. Once again well done JTAs and thank you to Hazel Agombar.
Thank you to the Bike Doctor
A huge thank you to the Bike Doctor who came into school to check over any bikes that were left for him. He managed to sort out a few brakes and tyres and made sure that all the bikes were safe and ready to use. Hopefully we will see him again soon.
Park and Stride from the Veracity
Last term the JTAs carried out a lot of research into a suitable Park and Stride area away from the school to help reduce cars outside our school, making it a safer place and to help encourage active travel. Watch this space over the next 2 weeks for more information.
Be Bright Be Seen
The JTAs did a fantastic job of selling the Hi Vis jackets just before the Christmas holidays, they sold 50 jackets. Due to popular demand, they will continue selling them this term for just £1 each. Hurry because when they're gone, they're gone!
Hi Vis Jackets for sale
Following on from the Be Bright Be Seen day during Road Safety Week, the JTAs have acquired some hi vis jackets, perfect to be worn on these dark afternoons and mornings to make pedestrians, cyclists and scooterists more visible to drivers.
The JTAs will be selling these hi vis jackets for £1 each on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week, at first break, next to the library. All money will be going to SOS.
Competition Winners
Thank you to Councillor Keogh, who came into celebration assembly to announce the winners of the Veracity sign competition. The three winners won a bag of active travel goodies and their design will be made up into signs for the Veracity to help reduce speed and improve road safety. Well done to everyone who entered the competition.
Fantastic New Kiddie Cones Have Arrived
A huge thank you to Hazel Agombar at Southampton City Council for ordering and organising the delivery of 3 new Kiddie Cones to put outside our school to encourage and promote active travel and reduce pollution for vehicles. Hazel works closely with our JTAs to support their amazing work in school.Well done to all the Junior Travel Ambassadors who chose the Kiddie Cones design and came up with the most amazing slogans to get that all important message across.
Professor Ian Williams - Air Quality and the School Run Thursday 4th July 6-7pm
Professor Ian Williams from the University of Southampton will be coming to Sholing Junior School to give a fascinating talk on air quality and the school run.
Join us and enjoy all of this:
-Your Chance to ask anything you like about air quality
-Hear what the Junior Travel Ambassadors at Sholing Junior School are doing to tackle air pollution
-Find out how you can help improve air quality in Sholing
-Plus free refreshments
If you would like to attend, please reserve your FREE space by emailing
We look forward to seeing you there.
Healthy Hi 5 Celebration Event
We were invited to the Healthy Hi 5 Celebration Event at the Mayors Chamber at the Civic Centre. In addition to this, we were asked if two of the Junior Travel Ambassadors could give a presentation on what they do to support active travel at Sholing Junior School. What an amazing presentation they gave, they certainly were Ambassadors for our school, a huge thank you to them both. We were awarded two certificates: The Healthy Hi 5 Certificate of Progress and a certificate of recogition to promote Active Travel within school. Well done everyone.
World Book Day 7th March
What a fabulous surprise visit from HaRay Potter and Mary Poppins, also known as Bike it Ray and Bike it Jenny. They cycled round to see the JTAs and join in our meeting giving their support and ideas for our future events. In addition to this, they kindly gave the school a wonderful book for the library. Thank you so much, so many people will enjoy it.
Competition Winners
Well done to everyone who entered the Road Safety Poster Competition, there were so many fantastic entries to choose from. The Junior Road Safety Officers made their final decision on the four following posters, one from each year group. They will certainly look amazing around the school and remind everyone about how to cross the road safely and not to park outside our school gates. Enjoy your goodie bags!
What a great start for 2019 for the new Junior Road Safety Officers of Sholing Junior School. We have the first trained JRSOs in Southampton and they have launched their first competition to promote road safety. Please see attached letter for all the details.
Well done on the great assembly on the Green Cross Code. All entries need to be handed in by Wednesday 13th February to be in with a chance of winning a fantastic bag of goodies. Good luck.
Parking Advice Tickets
The Junior Travel Ambassadors have been monitoring the parking situation outside our school for a number of weeks and are very concerned with the amount of cars parking dangerously directly outside our school. So this week they are launching the Parking Advice Tickets and will be handing them out. Please see attached letter.