Sholing Junior School

Achieving Together

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Wye Valley 2023 (Year 5)

Day 1


Hello from Wye Valley! Hope you all have had a lovely day.


Our journey to Wye Valley consisted of many things, such as:

- Miss Thompson, are we there yet? (5 minutes down the road)

- Renditions of We Will Rock You, Sweet Caroline and the song from the We Buy Any Car advert

- Making noises at all the animals we passed eg: sheep, horses and cows


Once we arrived, we took a slushy walk in the mud across the bridge to the hostel. Our first task consisted of orienteering, which allowed the children to explore the grounds working in small groups. Whilst exploring, a few children saw some deer in the woods, which was magical. There are also many pheasants strolling around the area, which can be heard and seen frequently. After, we went indoors and created our spy names. These were made by using our initials and picking an adjective and animal. For example, my name is Jolly Tiger! All children have been told to keep their spy cards with them at all times, to make sure no one mistakes them for a villian!


Children settled into their rooms well, with interesting unpacking happening. Some put them away neatly. Others looked like they emptied their entire suitcase on the floor! Dinner tonight was lovely and the children are currently taking part in three different escape rooms. 


Please keep your fingers crossed for good weather tomorrow.

More photos will be updated each day so please keep checking back.


See you tomorrow,

Miss Thompson

Tuesday 28th March - Day 1

Day 2


Good evening! After our first evening together, the children are getting into the routine of life at Wye Valley. This morning, we filled our bellies with cooked breakfasts and cereal before all heading out for our group walk. Picture this - all of us standing in the courtyard. We are wearing our coats, waterproofs and wellies. We have excitement, anticipation and then... we had rain! And there was lots of it. Nevertheless, we persevered and walked up a rather large slushy hill to enjoy wonderful views of the River Wye. After we trudged through the mud, we came to the hostel to dry off and enjoy our lunch!


This afternoon, we split into our three groups to start our carousel of activities that included: shelter building, fire making and team games. Miss Noad's group used fantastic communication skills whilst creating fire, whilst Miss Rickards' group was showing off their competitive side in their team building tasks and my group was busy collecting the largest sticks for our shelter building, naming all the sticks they could find!


This evening, we tucked into our delicious chicken burgers and took part in gadget designs. After a long day, fingers crossed they have a lovely, long sleep this evening!


Come back tomorrow!


Miss Thompson

aka Jolly Tiger

Day 3


Good Evening! I am pleased to announce we all slept much better last night - fingers crossed it continues this evening!


Today has been an incredibly busy day, with a wonderful mixture of rain, then glorious sunshine... then more rain etc. Our activities consisted of archery, fencing, shelter building, fire lighting and team games. All children were thoroughly engaged and enjoyed being even muddier versions of themselves! I apologise now for the amount of dirty laundry!


Some highlights from the day:

- Some of the children spotted a family of deer from their window this morning and I quote, "I saw a mum, dad, baby and teenager deer"

- Miss Noad was chased by her group with worms - she was not pleased!

- Elliot H (aka Electric Hawk) went four rounds unbeaten in Fencing. Keep an eye out for him competing in the upcoming Olympics!

- Continuous morning visits from Phillip the Pheasant each day with Vinnie trying to catch him to bring him home!


This evening, we have enjoyed a scrumptious meal followed by a campfire. We sang songs which included our very own:

- Izzy who likes to drink fizzy

- Sol who plays with dolls

- Jasper who is friends with Casper

- River who plays with his quiver

- Ted who likes his bed

and... Imogen... who has a pet pigeon? 


The children are currently competing for the tidiest bedroom award, which is always a very intense time. 

We will see you tomorrow. Lots of excited faces here looking forward to coming home after a lovely few days.




Miss Thompson

aka Jolly Tiger


