Sholing Junior School

Achieving Together

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Breakfast Club

Monday to Friday (term time only)

Between 8.00am to 8.40am



For more information please contact:

The Breakfast Club:

023 80425933


The school office:

023 80447448

Breakfast Club Leader:  Mrs Watling

Breakfast Club Assistant: Mrs Smith

Breakfast Club Assistant: Mrs Quinton

Breakfast Club Assistant: Mrs Gregory

Breakfast Club Assistant: Mrs Potter

Payment can be made by internet payment, child care vouchers, cash or cheque


The club is registered with OFSTED to provide childcare for infant and junior school children aged 4 to 11 years. It is open from 8:00am weekdays, during term time. The fee for September will be £3.00 per session.
We are based at Sholing Junior School and operate from the dining room and the community room. We have access to the school hall, library, computer suite and playground for activities after breakfast.
Breakfast is served from 8:00am until 8:15. Each day we offer toast and a selection of spreads, a selection of cereals and Fresh Fruit. We also offer a selection of our range of extra options including Muffins /Crumpets /Bagels /Fruit Bread, Scrambled eggs, Baked Beans, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Fruit juice, Fromage Frais etc
We use fresh, healthy ingredients and follow statutory guidelines.  Individual dietary requirements and parental preferences are met wherever possible. We recognise the importance of healthy nutrition for children which is delivered in a calm, friendly setting.
After breakfast has been served, one or a combination of the following play opportunities will be offered; outdoor play with a selection of play equipment, computer and internet access, group games, drawing/colouring and using puzzles, board games and reading.