Sholing is a special place with its own unique sense of community. Each and every child at Sholing Junior School is valued as an individual and their talents and strengths are recognised, celebrated and developed further. Learning opportunities at Sholing are rich and varied and whether they are in or out of the classroom, children are given every opportunity to be the very best that they can be.
Sholing is a warm, happy and caring school community built on mutual respect, kindness and thoughtfulness. We are very proud that our children are frequently commended for their outstanding behaviour, their delightful manners and their self-confidence.
We are always happy to welcome visitors and to tell you more about life and learning at Sholing Junior School - an adventure for the mind and a home for the heart.
Mr M. Abbott
Details About Transition Day - Wednesday 6th July
Year 2 children will arrive at Sholing Junior School on Wednesday 6th July from 8:40am.
Children should be wearing their current school uniform for their transition day visit.
They will be coming into school building via the entrance to the hall nearest to the office door where they will be dropped off. We will have plenty of signs and staff to help you find the way.
Next September's Year 3 teaching team will be ready to warmly welcome the children when they arrive. Once you have dropped your child off at the hall entrance, you will be free to leave the site.
Children will then registered in the hall, and when ready, teachers will take them to their classes for the day.
Please make sure your child comes with their lunch (if they have a packed lunch) and a water bottle. If your child has school meals, they will be provided as usual. Sholing Junior School catering team already provides daily meals for the Sholing Infant School so the children will be familiar with the menus. Any City Catering allergy menus would have already been handed over by the Infant School.
All medical needs will be handed over by the Infant School Staff. If your child uses an inhaler, please ensure that they bring these with them and that they are clearly labelled.
As it is hot at the moment, we would encourage the children to also bring a sun hat and come having been anointed with sun cream.
Social stories will be provided for each child on their transition day, allowing the children and the families to learn more about the school and prepare over the summer for their start in September. They will be able to share these with you when they get home.
The children will be collected from the hall at 3.05pm when the school day ends. Please make your way to the drop off door that you used earlier in the day. Again, we will be on hand to help direct you on the day.