Welcome to Summer 2!
And we're back in the game!!
Well, nearly! It's the start of the last half term on this academic year and slowly and responsibly we're taking the necessary step to bring us all back together again. Yay!
We have been so impressed with how hard all over you have worked over the last few weeks and we are sure that you will continue to surprise us with what you are capable of over the coming weeks too! Keep sending in your amazing work!
We look forward to seeing more of you in the coming weeks and hopefully reinstating the status quo here at SJS.
Keep Safe Everyone!
Top Tip: Try to complete your Maths and English daily tasks in the morning. This way the rest of the day can be used to complete Sumdog challenges, chip away at your topic project or to get stuck into your reading.
Thank you so much for sharing your work with us - we're loving the work you're doing! Remember, if you need any help or have any questions, please email us at Year4@sholing-jun.co.uk or you can simply place a comment on the activity in Google Classroom.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Daily Maths Tasks - Summer 2 Week 1
We now have a subscription for White Rose maths, so will be posting the worksheets from now on. Be aware that the worksheets are no longer next to the videos. You can access the videos via the link below and complete the attached worksheets. Make sure that you do watch the videos because they are designed to help you and remember that you can pause and rewind them as many times as you like!
Have fun!
Daily English Tasks - Summer 2 Week 1
Each week, we will be setting you daily English tasks which will structured as follows:
Monday - Reading comprehension
Tuesday - Writing skills activity
Wednesday - Writing skills activity
Thursday and Friday - Big Write (2 day task)
These tasks will be available on both the Home Learning page on the website and on the Google Classroom and should be handed in (in the ways described above) on the dates shown on the tasks.
Enjoy! We're looking forward to seeing what you do!
Topic - Welcome to the Summer Term
Our friends, who work with Sholing Junior School at the Hampshire Mountain Centre in South Wales, have sent you a number of challenges to complete as part of this week’s topic work. These will keep you busy during the afternoons, both inside and outside of the house.
Don’t forget, keep safe, have fun and send in all your pictures!
I Have Finished My Learning For The Week! What Do I Do Now?
Well done on completing your fabulous learning this week! We are sure you have worked really hard! Any work you are proud of or want to show us please send it in as we would LOVE to see it!
If you have finished your Maths, English and Topic tasks for the week, see below for what else you can do: