Sholing Junior School

Achieving Together

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On the 31st of October, 6E travelled to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard to ‘kick off’ our next project focusing on a pivotal day in this country’s history. D-Day, which took place in June 1944, was introduced through a number of primary artefacts from the time combined with considerable amount of detective work.

Once again, the children were beautifully behaved, which was remarked upon by a member of the public. We learned a great deal in a short amount of time there and we also sowed the seed of future projects such as; Robert Falcon Scott’s fateful journey to Antarctica, our visit to Greenwich to see Nelson’s blood stained tunic and the impact of war on the children in the Jewish Ghetto. A very purposeful day filled with great learning opportunities. Thanks Mrs Etherington! See the Year 6 page for photos!
