Sholing Junior School

Achieving Together

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The Big Pedal

The Big Pedal was a massive success; so many of you came to school on 2 wheels either cycling or scooting: we came 1ST IN SOUTHAMPTON! Some amazing prizes will be sent to us shortly.  A total of 1673 schools in the UK participated in The Big Pedal, completing an incredible 1,063,474 journeys by bicycle or scooter.


  • We came 1st in Southampton.
  • We were 3rd in the South East of England.
  • We were 110th in the country.


Well done to everyone both children and adults. Read more:


Update: free books donated!

One company was so impressed by our efforts that they donated some incredible books for our school, so a massive THANK YOU to Darren Ruddell at Serious Comedy for your very kind donation. Mrs Redding was very keen to log them onto the system for the library!
